Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Mackay Bowls Club

Australia Day Bowls at the Mackay Club will consist of two divisions of triples played during the afternoon, each consisting of two games of eleven ends starting at 1:00 pm. Division one will include bowlers, and division two will consist of two non-bowlers and one bowler. Prize money will be awarded to winners and runners-up in both divisions. Throughout the afternoon, a BBQ and Aussie food will be available. Bowlers and non-bowlers looking for an afternoon of fun and bowls are invited to come along to the Mackay Bowling Club.

Results: Tuesday - Social Day (12) Winners of Winners: Carol Savage and Brad Robertson Winner of Losers: Where Herwini and Niel Holt.

Thursday Scroungers (15) Winner: Niel Holt, Runner-up: Grant Edmonds.

Friday Ladies Mixed Social (10) All participants had a good afternoon.

Ladies Graded Pairs will be played on Saturday, January 27th, starting at 12:30 pm. Names should be submitted by Wednesday, January 24th. Men's Club Champion nominations close on Sunday, January 29th. Nomination forms are available on the notice board in the clubhouse.

Contributed by Mike Irving

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