Schools, businesses and organisations across the region came together last week to celebrate Harmony Day.
Grade 6 students at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School celebrated Harmony Day by hosting a play, scavenger hunt, chalk art and eat street markets, celebrating the 46 different cultures represented in the school.
“We’ve been learning about refugees and asylum seekers and their cultural backgrounds and the culture they bring into Australia that creates Australia’s cultural diversity,” said St Joseph’s School Captain Farrah Hamilton.
“It’s important to celebrate cultural diversity and to thank everyone for coming into Australia and making it the amazing place that it is,” added fellow School Captain Mila Hinschen.
Mackay North State High School celebrated similarly with chalk art, dumplings and plenty of orange.
Meanwhile, Mackay Regional Council teamed up with the Neighbourhood Hub to celebrate Mackay’s multicultural community.
Multicultural groups shared their culture by wearing traditional dress and sharing information and guest speaker Indriani shared her story as an Indonesian migrant.
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School celebrated Harmony Day last week. Photo credit: Sam Gillespie
Mackay North State High School put their chalk art skills to the test. Photos supplied
Mackay Regional Council and Neighbourhood Hub held a Harmony Day event. Photos supplied