Thursday, February 1, 2024


Mackay and Whitsunday Life

Aus Day Bowls Club Carnival Postponed

In an attempt to host the one-of-a-kind Australia Day Carnival at the Mackay Bowls Club, Tropical Cyclone Kirrily had other plans and caused the region to prepare for the worst, resulting in a hard decision to postpone the event. Despite the weather warning threats issued throughout the week, a group of determined players declared the weather to be fine on the Friday and continued to play a game of bowls.

A game of Scroungers played off in the afternoon with a full group of bowlers brightening up the field in their Australia Day attire. In the final, a game of 21 ends was played with Antony Shepherd def Col Marks.

The Australia Day Bowls event will now be held on Saturday the 3rd of March, starting at 1.00pm. Nomination forms will be on Noticeboard at the Club. Raffles continue on Friday night so come along and support the club.


Winners of Winners were: Col Stevens. Mick D'Alesso and Brian Williams.

Winners of Losers were: Karina Dunn, Carol Savage and Brad Robertson.

Tuesday Bowls will continue starting at 1pm, Scroungers on Thursday starting at 2pm and Friday Ladies Social begins at 1pm.

Contributed by Mike Irving

Tropical Cyclone Kirrily was no match for these seasoned bowlers. Photo supplied

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